Professional Drone Mapping Software

Generate accurate maps, elevation models, 3D models and point clouds from aerial images.
Drone Aerial Photo 3 Aerial Photo 2 Aerial Photo 1 Photos Pipe Cloud
Map 3D Model DEM Point Cloud
New users get 150 FREE credits!

Professional results. Standard formats. Fraction of the price.

What We Offer

Processing Power

Process up to 3,000 drone images with GCPs in high resolution.

Accurate Results

Powered by our state-of-the-art photogrammetry engine.

Measure Everything

Use our cloud platform to create annotations, volume measurements, contours and more.

Easy To Use

No need to download or install software. Create maps from anywhere.

Simple Sharing

Generate links to share your maps and models.

Free To Try

Then pay as you go or choose an unlimited monthly plan. No commitment.

Used By

Spot the Difference

WebODM ⚡ Pix4D Cloud
Up to 3,000 images ✅ Up to 2,500 images ❌
Plans with unlimited projects ✅ Plans with 1 project included ❌
Pay As You Go option ✅ Must subscribe to a plan ❌
1 year plan: $420 ✅ 1 year plan: $3580 ❌
30 days money-back guarantee ✅ No refunds ❌

Applications and Industries

Mapping & Surveying

  • Measure from images
  • Get high accuracy deliverables
  • Improved efficiency over manual surveying
  • Improved safety by spending less time on the field
  • Better project management workflows

Survey Map
Ag Field

Precision Agriculture

  • Accurate processing of multispectral drone images
  • Automated vegetation index calculations
  • Analyze crop health
  • Create points, lines and areas annotations
  • Reduce pesticide use

Mining & Quarries

  • Increase accuracy of stockpile management
  • Easy-to-use volume measurements
  • Export drone data to your record systems
  • Track progress of excavations
  • Provide site documentation

Quarry Map
Roof captured from drone


  • Make accurate roof measurements
  • Generate 3D models from drone images
  • Quickly identify defects with thermal processing
  • Reduce worker risks when performing inspections
  • Generate documentation for insurance claims

Renewable Energy

  • Create digital copies of assets with your drone
  • Assess project sites efficiently
  • Perform inspections with ease
  • Speed up site selection and planning
  • Reduce risks while doing roof inspections or ground surveys

Solar Panels

About Us

WebODM Lightning is a photogrammetry-based drone mapping software. Our platform has processed hundreds of thousands of maps for customers worldwide since its inception more than 8 years ago. Should you have any feedback while using our service, feel free to contact us.